This dark haired beauty queen is in her 90s now. You won’t believe what she looks like now

The English woman Joan Henrietta Collins was born in Paddington on May 23, 1933. Elsa Collins taught dance, and Joseph William Collins was a talent agent. Some of his famous customers were Shirley Bassey, The Beatles, and Tom Jones.

Joan’s early love for the performing arts was clear when she went to the Francis Holland School and then the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London.

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Collins’s first movies were a bunch of British ones in the early 1950s, like “Lady Godiva Rides Again” (1951) and “The Woman’s Angle” (1952).

Her stunning good looks and talent quickly caught the attention of Hollywood, and she was soon cast in big movies. In 1955, she was in “The Virgin Queen” with Bette Davis, which made her an even bigger star on the rise.

Success in Hollywood

Collins was in many movies in the 1950s and 1960s, such as “The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing” (1955), “Rally ‘Round the Flag, Boys!” (1958), and “The Road to Hong Kong” (1962).

She played a lot of different types of parts as an actress, from comedies to dramas, which made her a well-known figure in the movie business.

Honor and Legacy

Joan Collins has won many awards for her work in movies and TV shows over the course of her career. Her work in the arts and charity work earned her the title of Dame from Queen Elizabeth II in 2015.

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